英文: A single coffee bean will generally not possess the complexity necessary for great coffee. Many espresso blends will contain three to seven different types of beans.
中文: 单一的咖啡豆一般都缺乏酿造一杯美味咖啡的必备复杂风味。很多混合咖啡都含有三到七种不同类型的咖啡豆。
英文: Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of beans, such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean.
中文: 豆形果实植物一种其它豆类植物或其种子或果实,尤指像豆子的那些,如咖啡豆或香子兰豆
英文: As a result, a coffee bean may need to be roasted to a light brown color to release its flavor characteristics that makes it gourmet, while another type of gourmet coffee bean may be ruined by that exact type of roasting.
中文: 因此,一种咖啡豆应被烘培成浅棕色以释放其特有的香味,而如果另一种咖啡豆也如法炮制,则也许就是暴殄天物。
英文: Coffee Bean &Tea Leaf's mission is to provide a Total Quality of product, service and environment.
中文: 香啡缤的使命就是提供完全高质量的产品、服务以及环境。
英文: Cultivation practices, growing area, altitude, soil, and climate are just some of the factors that will determine whether a coffee bean is a gourmet coffee.
中文: 耕种方式、出产地、种植海拔、土壤情况以及气候条件都对咖啡豆是否能成为极品咖啡起到至关重要的作用。