英文: A DPP legislator sustained a brain injury and is hospitalized.
中文: 民进党立委余政宪乎郎槓一下脑震盪送去台大病院。
英文: According to Lin Chung-mo, Lin got tired of Shih's grandstanding and thinking he could manipulate other DPP legislators, and Lin drove him out of the party caucus in 2000.
中文: 根据林重谟的说法,他实在看不惯施明德哗众取宠的作风,而且顾虑到施可能影响其他民进党立委,因此,便在2000年将施逐出党团会议。
英文: Although Chen leads a minority government, and the DPP is divided among itself over some issues and has a fondness for pacifistic peace, love and tie-dyerhetoric, he represents a native islander strain that no longer looks at the world in relationship to
中文: 尽管陈水扁领导的是由少数派组成的政府,而且民进党也因为自身内部问题而分裂以及其略显夸张的坚持“和平、博爱、团结”的口号,但是他的成功却代表了台湾岛民不再想与中国大陆有瓜葛的意愿。
英文: Although Lin's tone of voice stayed calm, his words had the might of a bombshell, immediately implicating Chen Shui-bian's government and the DPP in an abandonment of ideals, and putting them in an embarrassing quandary.
中文: 林义雄的语气虽然很平和,但话一出口,威力有如一颗炸弹,让扁政府和民进党马上陷入背弃理想、左右不是的尴尬处境。
英文: Although both DPP and NP are both boycotting the NP, two DPP representatives defied party ruling and registered.
中文: 虽然民进党及新党拢决议无欲出席﹐毋恪有两耶民进党耶国代无照决议道先去注册。