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qualitative analysis

【计】 定性分析\n【化】 定性分析\n【医】 定性分析\n【经】 定性分析

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英文: A new grey fuzzy decision-making method with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis is proposed based on the grey theory and fuzzy mathematics theory for the practical problem of multiindex comprehensive evaluation, and the method for determining

中文: 摘要针对多指标综合评价的实际问题,综合运用灰色理论和模糊数学理论,提出了一种新的定性与定量相结合的灰色模糊决策方法,并给出了相关参数的确定方法。        更详细...
英文: A new qualitative analysis method is provided for task granularity design according to the formulized calculation and heuristic rules comparison.

中文: 通过对内聚系数的公式化计算和启发式规则比较,为任务粒度的设计提供了一种新的定性分析方法。        更详细...
英文: A qualitative analysis method based on fuzzy recognition of γ energy spectra was brought forward.

中文: 摘要提出了一种基于模糊识别的γ能谱分析方法。        更详细...
英文: Adopting methods of qualitative analysis and the practice of sectional land classification based on the small-towns in WuJin District, this paper probes into the problem of how to make better use of the urban land classification based on county to adjust

中文: 通过采用定性分析和基于武进区城镇土地分等定级估价实践的研究方法,对区级城镇土地分等成果的运用进行探讨提出了运用城镇土地分等成果首先可对土地交易市场不发达的城镇进行基准地价评估和镇区间基准地价的平衡;其次对土地利用配置和空间优化决策以及国有土地资产评估等具有很大的借鉴意义。        更详细...
英文: After carding and classifying thousands of soft-sounded words, this paper makes a qualitative analysis of the cadence types, structure types and meaning types of the soft-sounded words, so as to find some rules to help people in fully realizing and studyi

中文: 对数以千计的普通话轻声词进行梳理归类,定性分析普通话轻声词的韵律类型、构造类型、语意类型,从中寻找一些规律性的东西,以期帮助人们多角度认识和学习普通话轻声词。        更详细...

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