英文: And the valet, who had begun to attempt a brogue out of admiration for his new master, made requisite answer in a combination of Geechee and County Meath that would have puzzled anyone except those two alone.
中文: 这个贴身男仆出于对新主人的崇拜,已开始试着用土腔来作必要的回答,那是一种吉契和米思郡的混合腔调,除了他们两个谁也听不懂。
英文: Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears, but his own brisk brogue clung to his tongue.
中文: 他们慵懒、含糊的声音在他听来令人愉快,但他自己的爱尔兰士腔像跟舌头粘在一起似的。