英文: After 10 to 100 million years of pushing, the neutron star is rotating once every few milliseconds.
中文: 经过了几千万到上亿年的加速,中子星开始以几毫秒为周期高速自转。
英文: An X-ray binary system has been formed, and the neutron star has made the crucial second step toward becoming a millisecond pulsar.
中文: 射线双星就这样形成了,于是这颗中子星就向成为毫秒脉冲星迈出了关键的第二步。
英文: As on a crowded dance floor, the congestion in a globular cluster can cause the neutron star to move closer to its companion, or to swap partners to form an even tighter pair.
中文: 如同在一个拥挤的舞厅里一样,球状星团里的壅塞局面会让中子星和它的伴星靠得更近,或者彼此交换舞伴,结合成更牢固的组合。
英文: By analogy, a neutron star born rotating as fast as or faster than the convective period of 10 milliseconds could develop a widespread, ultrastrong magnetic field.
中文: 以此类推,在中子星诞生的时候,要是它的自转速率和10毫秒的对流周期一样快,甚至更快,就能发展出大区域的超强磁场。
英文: Finally, due to the rapid rotation of the neutron star, or the evolution of the companion, the infall of matter stops, the X-ray emission declines, and the neutron star emerges as a radio-emitting millisecond pulsar.
中文: 最后,由于中子星疾速的自转,或是伴星自身的演化,物质的流入停止,X射线辐射减弱,这颗中子星就呈现出了毫秒脉冲星的面目。