英文: And what could be more head-turning than, say, Nicolas Cage cruising in his sharp-looking Lamborghini Miura (pre-loved by the Shah of Iran), or Britney wind-drying her long blonde tresses in her silver Porsche convertible?
中文: 还有什么比开着兰博基尼飞驰的尼古拉斯.凯奇和坐在保时捷中飘动金发的小甜甜更让人驻足回头的呢?
英文: Not to say Hondas are bad, but we have the Lamborghini of shoes now.
中文: 不是说本田不好,但是我们现在有鞋的兰博基尼版本了。
英文: Now we have the Lamborghini of shoes.
中文: 现在我们有鞋的兰博基尼版本。
英文: While their commercial had an innovative concept—a classic Lamborghini changed into a new one while driving beneath an underpass—the execution after that moment was awkward, just a series of still images.
中文: 在他们的广告中的出现了一个创新观念,就是驾驶一辆经典的兰博基尼跑车经过一个地下通道之时,突然换做了另外一个模样,这仅是一些静态图片。