英文: BSE risk assessments in the UK:a risk tradeoff?
中文: 在英联邦的BSE风险评估?一个冒险交易?
英文: In people, eating meat products contaminated(17) with BSE is linked to more than 150 deaths worldwide, mostly in Britain, from a deadly human nerve disorder, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
中文: 全球已有一百五十多人食用被BSE污染的肉食品后死亡,大多数死亡发生在英国。死者基本上死于致命的精神错乱和变异型库雅氏症。
英文: Key among these tools are highly sensitive tests, some available and some under development, that can detect prions even in asymptomatic individuals; currently BSE is diagnosed only after an animal has died naturally or been slaughtered.
中文: 其中几个关键工具就是高灵敏度的检测方法(有的已经上市,有的则还在研发当中),它们可以从没有症状的牛只身上侦测到普恩蛋白的存在;而目前BSE的诊断只有在动物自然死亡或屠宰之后才能确认。
英文: To reduce the risk of BSE beef produces exported to Japan must come from cattle twenty months or younger.
中文: 为了降低疯牛症的风险,生产出口到日本的牛肉必须来21个月或更小的牛。