英文: At the heart of the reclassification debate is the question of whether government can be truly open and accountable, when it suppresses the public's right to know.
中文: 对重分级行动的争论中心是在政府限制公众的知情权时,政府到底是不是公开可信的。
英文: Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U.S. spy agencies are the driving force behind the move to reclassify the documents.
中文: 历史学者们说,从那时起,有接近10000份档案,总共超过55000页的资料,被重新分类,并从公众的视线中消失。
英文: The vote by astronomers on a sweeping reclassification of the solar system was described as a triumph of science over sentiment.
中文: 天文学家一面倒投票支持重新将太阳系分类,被指为科学战胜感性。