英文: A subdural hematoma (also know as a subdural hemorrhage) is a buildup of blood immediately below the dura—the outermost of the three membranes that surround the brain.
中文: 硬膜下血肿(也叫做硬膜下出血)是指在脑硬膜下形成血块。脑硬膜是包围大脑的三层膜的最外面的一层。
英文: A subdural hematoma is most commonly caused by a severe injury to the head.
中文: 硬膜下血肿几乎都是因为严重的脑损伤引起的。
英文: A subdural hematoma may also occur of its own accord, at any age, without apparent cause with the blood collecting quickly or slowly to form the hematoma.
中文: 硬膜下血肿也可能是自发的,不分年龄,没有原因的血液积聚,或快或慢形成血肿。
英文: Adjacent to the parenchymal hematoma is often the clue to the etiologic diagnosis: a large signal void, and/or several smaller ones nearby, reflect flow in portions of an AVM.
中文: 血肿实质周围部分的影像是病因学诊断的重要线索:一个的大的信号透空区周围散在若干小的信号透空区,这是AVM部分血流的影像。
英文: Fig.1 CT of the head showing left basal ganglin hematoma with well-defined borders and low-density and and mixed densities areas around the hematoma.
中文: 1头颅CT见左基底节脑内血肿,边界清,血肿周围见低密度及混杂密度区.