英文: A conscience vote on the issue in 2002 split parliament along moral, legal and scientific lines, and resulted in laws with a three-year sunset clause allowing scientists to use only spare IVF embryos for stem-cell research.
中文: 2002年关于这个问题的一次是与非的投票使议会在道德、法律及科学观点上出现分歧,结果是出台了三年期“日落”条款,只允许科学家使用多余的体外受精的胚胎进行干细胞研究。
英文: A red sky at sunset is a sign of good weather.
中文: 日落时的晚霞是好天气的前兆.
英文: A vibrant sunset reflects Australian stunning landscape.
中文: 一轮鲜艳的落日映照着澳洲令人窒息的风景。
英文: Airing quilt for an entire day in the brilliant sunshine, taking it home before the sunset and then getting into it to have a sleep does not only make it feel extra warm, but also smell of the sun.
中文: 在艳阳下晒一天被子,太阳不落就收回家,晚上睡觉钻进去,不仅格外暖气烘烘,而且似乎还闻到了太阳的味道。
英文: At sunrise open and raise your heart like a blossoming flower, and at sunset bend your head and in silence complete the worship of the day.
中文: 朝阳出来时,开放而且抬起你的心,像一朵盛开的花;夕阳落下时,低下你的头,默默地做完这一天的礼拜。