英文: Hepatophyta (marchantiopsida; liverworts) A phylum containing leafy and prostrate thallose forms, commonly known as liverworts, Thallose liverworts are prostrate and dichotomously branched with thalli several cells thick.
中文: 苔类植物门(地钱纲,苔类):是一门包括多叶的或匍匐叶状体类型的植物,如通常所说的苔类。
英文: Like thallose liverworts, the hornworts have an alternation of generations in which the gametophyte is a dorsiventral flattened green phallus and the saprophyte is an upright structure that has a foot embedded in the gametophytes, from which it draws nutr
中文: 与叶状体植物地钱一样,角苔具有明显的世代交替,,配子体在世代交替中占优势,孢子体占劣势且利用其基足插入配子体的组织中吸取养料,以供孢子体生长。