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great plains

【经】 大平原

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英文: At any rate, a group of municipal power companies in the American Midwest reckon that building a wind-powered compressed-air plant to take advantage of the blustery Great Plains will be worthwhile.

中文: 至少,美国中西部的一批市级电力公司评估认为,值得建立一个风力压缩空气发电站来对大平原地区的强劲风力资源加以利用。        更详细...
英文: From the earliest English settlements at Jamestown(1607) to the end of the 19th century , Americans pushed constantly westward, first along the Atlantic coast area, then the Allegheny Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Missouri River, the Great Plains

中文: 就这样,从最早的英国定居点詹姆斯镇(1607年)到19世纪末,西行的浪潮不断推进:从大西洋海岸到阿勒格尼山脉、密西西比河、密苏里河、大平原直到落基山脉——在这推进的过程中,总有新的边疆去开拓,新的土地去征服,新的梦想去实现。        更详细...
英文: Now, 2)thrill 3)seekers who earlier might have tried bungee-jumping or white-water rafting can be found 4)racing across the Great Plains of North America, looking for tornadoes.

中文: 先前可能尝试过高空弹跳或急流冲舟以追求刺激的人,如今会在北美大平原上奔驰,寻找龙卷风。        更详细...
英文: The hardest-hit area is a swath of the Great Plains from Texas to South Dakota, known as Tornado Alley.

中文: 美国遭受龙卷风袭击最严重的地区是大草原的龙卷风行迹,从德克萨斯州一直延伸到南达科塔州,也就是所谓的龙卷风道。        更详细...
英文: Unmarried couples gravitated(3) toward big cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, while the farm states in the Great Plains and rural communities of the Midwest and West remained bastions(4) of traditionalism, according to the su

中文: 调查显示,不婚夫妇多居住在纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶和旧金山这样的大城市,大平原农业州和中西部、西部农村的人们则倾向于保持传统婚姻。        更详细...

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