英文: By liberation from the causes of bondage through their weakening and by an understanding of the mode of transference (withdrawal or entrance), the mind stuff (or chitta) can enter another body.
中文: 当瑜伽士了悟受制减弱的因素而得以释放转化(出或入),他的意识就能进入另外的形态中。
英文: The mind stuff also, reflecting as it does an infinity of mind impressions, becomes the instrument of the Self and acts as a unifying agent.
中文: 同样,灵性本体实际上也反映的是无限意识的心灵印象,(因混合性)成为自我的运用工具并充当整合体的代理。
英文: The state of isolated unity (withdrawn into the true nature of the Self) is the reward of the man who can discriminate between the mind stuff and the Self, or spiritual man.
中文: 唯一不二的灵性本体(自我返观而觉知的自然本性)是对能够在灵性本体与自我意识之间明辨之人的相应回报,此即是真我(真人)。