英文: Beyond the historical information accepted by most secular scholars, the gospels make various additional claims about Jesus, for instance that he was the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament (or Hebrew Bible); that he was God, and the son of God; that
中文: 除去长期来被多数学者接受的历史资料外,福音书还列举了许多关于耶稣的其他记载和主张,如说他是在旧约(或称希伯莱圣经)中预言的那个默西亚/弥赛亚;说他是神,是“神之子”;说他的母亲玛丽亚是个处女;还有他受难后的复活及其后的升天。
英文: From Hoard's Dairyman, and includes current/historical information on cheese, butter, mailbox milk price and other items.
中文: 来自候得之牛乳业者,包含现时的和昔时之乳酪,乳油,专送到家之牛乳之价格和其他项目。
英文: The flood detention and storage capacity of several billion cubic meters of Hongze Lake has been recognized for a long time, but the resistance of fiver-lake string has always been ignored, Based on an analysis of historical information about flood events
中文: 摘要针对长期以来人们只认知洪泽湖的几十亿立方米防洪调蓄能力,却漠视它的河湖串阻力及其一级尾闾地位的情况,通过对历史洪水和有关资料的分析,初步揭示平原河湖串的危害性,由此引证进一步治理淮河实施河湖分离的必要性,并提出一种合理的河湖分离方案,以及比较可行的模拟论证方法。