英文: A middle class is developing; minds are opening; piecemeal reforms are continuing; the division of the continent is healing.
中文: 中产阶级渐渐崛起,民众思想日趋开放,改良主义方兴未艾,曾经分裂的欧陆正在愈合。
英文: All right. I will send the information [b]on a piecemeal basis [/b]as we acquire it.
中文: 好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。
英文: All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it.
中文: 好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。
英文: As the code grows with the addition of piecemeal fixes, a detailed design structure indeed emerges—but it is a design full of special cases and loopholes, without coherent principles.
中文: 当程式码随著修正程式的增加而越来越庞大时,设计结构确实变得比较详细,但却充满了特例和漏洞,缺乏一致的原则。
英文: But although welcomed by environmental groups, such piecemeal moves may not have enough impact to turn back the tide of rubbish in an inveterate throwaway society.
中文: 但尽管环保团体对此乐观其成,这样零星的运动可能没办法对整个根深的用过即丢社会产生大转变。