英文: However, when memory loss and impaired thought processing affect daily life and activities, such as getting dressed and communicating, dementia may be the cause.
中文: 然而,当记忆力丧失且失去了思考能力并影响到日常生活,诸如穿衣服和谈话这样的活动时,那么痴呆症可能就是病因所在了。
英文: Huntington's disease is a genetic disease marked by a decline in cognitive functions, including memory loss and disorientation, the onset of uncontrolled movements and impaired motor skills.
中文: 亨廷顿症是一种遗传病,其典型症状是认知机能出现衰退,具体包括记忆丢失,方向知觉丧失,无序行为发作以及运动神经机能衰退。
英文: More than 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative illness characterized by memory loss and disorientation, among other symptoms.
中文: 逾450万美国人罹患老人失智症,一种神经退化性疾病,除了种种其他病徵,主要特徵是失忆和迷失方向。
英文: Primary causes of dementia usually cause irreversible memory loss and impaired thought processing.
中文: 痴呆症的主要病因通常会导致不可修复的记忆力丧失和思考能力的丧失。