英文: A Mogul emperor once described the Kashmir valley as “paradise on earth,” a conclusion reflected in the memoirs of countless British Raj officials.
中文: 一个莫卧儿皇帝曾说克什米尔谷地是人间乐园﹐无数的英属印度官员﹐深思熟虑后﹐在他们的回忆录中也得到同样的结论。
英文: A classic drippicture by Jackson Pollock has become the world's most expensive painting after it was sold in America by the Hollywood entertainment mogul David Geffen for $140 million (£75 million).
中文: 好莱坞大腕戴维·格芬将20世纪美国抽象画大师杰克逊·波洛克用“滴画”手法创作的名为《1948年第5号作品》的油画以1.4亿美元的价格出售后,这幅作品成为世界上最贵的画。
英文: A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea. An independent kingdom after1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in1572.
中文: 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国
英文: As the American economy matured in the 20th century, however, the freewheeling business mogul lost luster as an American ideal.
中文: 由于20世纪美国经济日臻发达,养尊处优的商业大亨不再为美国人仰慕。
英文: Australia's wealthiest man, media and gambling mogul Kerry Packer, has died, his family said in a statement Tuesday. He was 68.
中文: 澳大利亚首富、澳洲媒体及博彩业巨头凯瑞·帕克12月26日在其位于悉尼的家中去世,年仅68岁。