英文: Eight abdominal hernias (5 inguinal, 2 incisional and 1 umbilical) were found during CAPD treatment (18.18%).
中文: 另一名因嵌塞性割口疝气合并肠坏死,在术后因败血症死亡。
英文: Hernias that occur within the abdominal cavity due to defects of the broad ligament of the uterus are very rare with less than 70 cases being reported in the literature.
中文: 因为子宫宽韧带缺陷而造成腹内赫尼亚是极罕见的病例,至今全世界文献的报告不超过70例。
英文: Internal hernias are clinically apparent only when incarcerated internal hernias result from small bowel obstruction (SBO); therefore, a delay in diagnosis may lead to strangulation and an increased risk of serious complications.
中文: 腹内疝仅在小肠梗阻(SBO)发展到腹内疝嵌钝才表现出明显的临床症状,因此,延误诊断可导致肠绞窄并增加其他严重并发症的危险性。
英文: Internal hernias are silent if they are easily reducible, but the majority often cause epigastric discomfort, periumbilical pain, and recurrent episodes of intestinal obstruction (3,5).
中文: 腹内疝如果易于复原则可以不表现症状,但绝大多数导致上腹不适、脐周疼痛和反复发作的肠梗阻。
英文: Obturator hernia, a rate cause of hernias with a female-to-male ratio of 6:1 ,is more commonly presented as bowel obstruction among elderly women.
中文: 摘要闭孔疝气为一罕见之疝气成因,据统计好发于年长之女性,男女比例约为1:6,且常以肠阻塞之症状来表现。