英文: Best Award for his spouse flowering tree: Jiang Wen Li repeated exposure in the media, and her husband, who own the beginning of the scandal, continues in various television channels pushing sales of hardcover Ascot infant formula, humiliation, mental com
中文: 在媒体一再曝光自己老公和张静初的绯闻后,依然每天在各个电视频道大力促销雅士力精装婴幼儿奶粉,忍辱负重,精神可嘉,特发此奖,以示鼓励。
英文: Further research about infant vocalizations could reveal that babbling is a much more widespread phenomenon in mammals than was previously thought.
中文: 对于幼仔发声的更多研究可能揭示出哺乳动物牙牙学语要比以往我们所认为的广泛很多。
英文: The other strong possibility is that mother-infant interactions are affected by seasonal factors.
中文: “另一种较大的可能是,母婴的交流受到季节因素的影响。
英文: A health worker immunizes an infant in Nepal.
中文: 医疗工作者在尼泊尔为婴儿注射预防针。
英文: A malnourished infant lies on the floor inside a therapeutic feeding center run by the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontiers(MSF)in the town of Maradi in south-ern Niger June 29, 2005.
中文: 一名西非尼日营养不良的婴儿躺在无国界医生组织的慈善医疗中心地板上。