英文: Starting with the research on the characteristics of frequency spectra of the IP field as well as charging-discharging time and based on experiment results, the authors summed up frequency spectra, time spectra and decay rate characteristics of sulfide mi
中文: 摘要从研究激电场频谱特征及充、放电时间特征出发,根据实验观测结果,总结了硫化物矿化体(黄铜矿)及含石墨白云质大理岩等岩性的频谱特征及充放电时间特征,探索到新的定性评价激电异常源参数-频率谱及时间谱、视衰减速度。
英文: To shorten charging time and improve charging efficiency, the circuit can change the charging electric current automatically according to real time voltage of the battery, and dispel the polarization phenomenon by narrowing pulse discharge in the whole co
中文: 该电路可根据蓄电池端电压自动改变充电电流大小,并通过全程窄脉冲放电消除了充电过程中的极化现象,缩短了充电时间,提高了充电效率。