英文: A change in the operating frequency is easily accomplished by operating a switch installed on a monitoring alarm.
中文: 操作监视告警器上的开关,工作频率就会自然产生变化。
英文: Core losses are caused by an alternating magnetic field in the core material,Thie losses are a function of the operating frequency and the total magnetic flux swing, The total core losses are made up of three main components,Hysteresis eddy current and re
中文: 铁损是由于在铁芯中的变更磁场院所造成,这个损失与操作频率及总流动的磁通量有关,总铁损由三个成份组成,磁滞损,过流损及残留损,这些损失因磁性材料不同而异,在如高功率切换调整器和RF的设计需要小心选择铁芯种类以降低铁损使电感的表现最佳。