英文: It is now high time to intensify the management of the special government subsidy in order to end the system of tax distribution for the transitional period and set up a scientific transfer payment system that takes the general transfer payment as the mai
中文: 随着我国公共财政改革和建设的深入,以整治中央专项补助、强化对中央专项补助的管理为突破口,结束过渡时期分税制,建立以一般转移支付为主,中央专项补助为辅的科学的转移支付制度迫在眉睫。
英文: The excess revenue was mainly spent for the following purposes: to pay off longstanding arrears in export tax rebates and payments for returning farmland to forests, to increase tax rebates and general transfer payments to local governments in accordance
中文: 超收收入主要用于解决出口退税和退耕还林等历史欠账,依法增加对地方税收返还和一般转移支付,增加教育、科技等法定支出,增加社会保障基金、企业政策性破产、居民最低生活保障等支出。