英文: Biological weapons can be produced nearly anywhere, from government labs to suburban kitchens.
中文: 生物武器几乎到处都可以制造,从政府实验室,到郊区的厨房。
英文: Retributive violence would add to the risk of further terrorism, and it may also add to the risk of escalation to the use of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons by a terrorist group.
中文: 以暴制暴将会增加恐怖主义进一步发展的风险,而且它还可能提升恐怖组织动用核武器、化学武器及生物武器的风险。
英文: Since September 11, 2001, biological weapons seem to have become the weapon of choice among the disenfranchised militants of the world.
中文: 2001年9月11日之后,生物武器似乎已成了世界上被剥夺公民权的好战分子们选择的武器。
英文: Some experts have argued that chemical and biological weapons are now more likely to be used than nuclear weapons, whether by an aggressive always ready to quarrel or attack state, such as Iraq, or by a terrorist people who use violence or threat to use v
中文: 一些专家认为,现在无论是像伊拉克之类的侵略国家,或者恐怖组织,如1995年3月在日本东京地铁站散播神经毒气的日本奥姆真理教,都更可能使用生化武器而非核武器。