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n. 誊写, 复写\n【计】 仿形的

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英文: A: The people can avoid copying when they are creative. Only the people with good imagenation will be innovatory. They will provide the wisdoms for the people.

中文: 当人们有创造性的时候,就不会模仿。只有想像力优秀的人才是有革新性的。他们将为人们提供智慧。        更详细...
英文: Add in a clever programmer who decides to save some RAM (which makes sense in many cases, like if the shared item is a massive string of 50 MB) by not copying the data to a locally scoped variable, but keeps directly reading it, and you are going to see s

中文: 再加上一些聪明的程序员可能为了节省内存,不把数据拷贝到局部变量范围而是直接去读取,那么你就更会看到一些奇怪东西了。        更详细...
英文: After the acceptance of painting methods of modern water-ink paintings taught by the teacher, Chen Ming-Xian, she has experienced many times to go out for copying from life, and in the meantime, she had the landscapes and simple small towns in Mainland Ch

中文: 在接受了陈铭显老师指导现代水墨画的画法之后,历经多次出外写生,同时将游历台湾与大陆名山风景与淳樸小镇之所见,收纳入其创作之题材。        更详细...
英文: Against the charge that photography was a soulless, mechanical copying of reality, photographers asserted that it was instead a privileged way of seeing, a revolt against commonplace vision, and no less worthy an art than painting.

中文: 最早有关摄影和艺术关系的争论点集中在摄影对表象的忠实和对机器的依赖能否使它成为艺术,有别于仅仅是实用的美术。        更详细...
英文: Although the creation of a finely detailed bas-relief master is expensive because it requires electron-beam lithography or other advanced techniques, copying the pattern on PDMS stamps is cheap and easy.

中文: 虽然得花上大笔金钱,才能以电子束蚀刻或其他高阶技术制作出有精密细节的浅浮雕主片,但要复制PDMS压模的图案却是便宜又容易。        更详细...

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