英文: Angiosperms are divided into two major classes, the monocotyledons (MONOCOTYLEDONAE) and dicotyledons (DICOTYLEDONAE), with a small basal group known as primitive dicotyledons.
中文: 被子植物可以划分为两个纲,单子叶植物纲和双子叶植物纲。
英文: Dicotyledons usually show a netlike arrangement whereas monocotyledons generally show a parallel distribution of vein.
中文: 双子叶植物主要为网状脉,而单子叶植物主要为平行脉。
英文: Monocotyledons and dicotyledons are so termed because they normally conatin one and two cotyledons respectively although there are exceptions.
中文: 尽管有例外的情况出现,我们通常还是根据子叶的数目为一片还是两片而把植物分成单子叶植物和双子叶植物。
英文: Some 60%of monocotyledons and 40%of dicotyledons are polyploid, as are 90% of ferns, many bryophytes, and some algae.
中文: 60%的单子叶植物和40%的双子叶植物、90%的蕨类植物、多数苔藓植物以及某些藻类,都是多倍体。
英文: There are 549 species of wild ornamental plants belonging to 118 families and 318 genera, including 22 species of ferns, 8 species of gymnosperms, 422 species of dicotyledons and 97 species of monocotyledons.
中文: 其中蕨类15科17属22种,裸子植物5科7属8种,双子叶植物85科224属422种,单子叶植物13科70属97种。