英文: April 1, 1946, the Aleutian Islands to the waters of the tsunami, waves 35 meters.
中文: 1946年4月1日,阿留申群岛海域发生海啸,浪高35米。
英文: As the waves from the Aleutian earthquake hit the Hawaiian Islands, they were driven ashore in a few places as a rapidly moving wall of water up to 6 meters high.
中文: 当由阿留申群岛地震引起的波浪到达夏威夷群岛时,这些波浪在几处地方形成了最高可达6米高的快速移动的水墙冲上海岸。
英文: Improved spill response capability along the Aleutian route - booms, lightering capability, skimmers, pumps, barges / bladders, training / contracting of local residents in spill response, etc.
中文: 增强沿阿留申群岛航行的船只的泄漏安全性,包括设置拖运驳船,对当地人进行培训,以便在泄漏发生时能迅速作出反应。
英文: Investigate legislative options to improve spill prevention / response capability along the Aleutian route.
中文: 及以立法的方式加强这些船只本身的泄露安全性。
英文: Requirement / Request that all vessels transiting the Aleutian route subscribe to / participate in the Vessel tracking / monitoring system.
中文: 这要求所有的船只将自己的航行路线都要告之这一系统。