英文: Compared to similarly priced oil products, LAKONIA Extra Virgin Olive Oil tastes better.
中文: 「与市面上价钱相若的产品比较,LAKONIA特级冷压橄榄油的橄榄香味较浓。
英文: Getting in by the back dooris the main countermeasure often used by people to obtain convenient or extra benefits.
中文: 以走后门的方式为主要对策来实现违规操作获取便利或者额外利益,是存在于民众潜意识中的一个顽疾。
英文: I just needed to add some extra world-class talent.
中文: 我只是需要加入一些世界级的天才球员。
英文: These are the foods we naturally look to as we try to lose extra pounds; however, they are the ones that we need to be careful about,says Dee Rollins, PhD, R.D., dietitian with Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine.
中文: 如果你是几百万美国人中希望通过购买无脂肪、无胆固醇或全天然食品来减肥的一个,你可能感到惊讶的是,专家们说那就是所谓的经常破坏日常饮食的“健康”食品。
英文: We're going to keep him as questionable until after shootaround,Rockets trainer Keith Jones said. He'll go through a normal shootaround, with some extra rehab stuff.
中文: 火箭队的训练师凯西.琼斯说到:“我们在他的训练之前对他能否复出并不保持乐观,他将会参加正常的训练,来看他的身体是否能够承受比赛的强度。”