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minimum wage

【经】 最低工资

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英文: 5 At the sick leave period, company pay the employee 50% salary, when one's 50% salary is lower than the minimum wage criterion regulated by local government, pay as the minimum wage criterion.

中文: 病假期间公司支付员工50%的工资,当个人50%的工资低于当地政府规定的最低工资标准的,按最低工资标准支付。        更详细...
英文: Although minimum wage rates had previously covered a few industries, this was the first time that a general rate had been set.

中文: 尽管起初最低工资标准仅涉及为数不多的行业,但设立一种统一的标准毕竟是第一次。        更详细...
英文: Article 29 Whereas an employees' wage of a FFE is lower than the local minimum wage standard, the local labor administrative department shall order the FFE to correct within a set time, and, apart from making up for the wage according to the minimum stand

中文: 第二十九条企业职工工资低于当地最低工资标准的,由当地劳动行政部门责令其限期纠正,企业除按最低工资标准补齐外,还应按实发工资与最低工资标准差额的20%-100%发给职工赔偿金。        更详细...
英文: Contrary to conventional predictions, however, the results show that minimum wage increase did not give rise to significant adverse effects on Taiwan's employment, unemployment, and labor force participation, and there is no evidence of rising in the mini

中文: 实证结果显示,基本工资的调升只对少数男、女性年龄组群的就业、失业、及劳动力参与生成显着不利的影响,而且程度相当微小,它也没有生成推动台湾地区劳动成本与物价的上涨的压力。        更详细...
英文: David Kern, who advises the BCC, says: “There is now a distinct risk that the minimum wage will have an adverse effect on jobs.

中文: 英国商会顾问大卫?科恩说:“目前显而易见的危险就是最低工资将对就业产生负面影响。”        更详细...

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