英文: As a postscript to his letter he added that he loved her.
中文: 他在信中加上附言, 写上了他爱她.
英文: As a postscript to his letter he added that he loved her.
中文: 他在信中加上附言,写上了他爱她.
英文: Both MAC and PC platforms are supported, along with all major page composition and image manipulation programs, giving us the ability to handle both native files as well as supplied PostScript files.
中文: MAC和PC平台均可提供支援,同时也支援主要的美工和排版软体,处理底片以及档案的能力游刃有馀。
英文: Deng Shi.“Postscript to the 7th Anniversary of Annals of Policy and Art.” Annals of Policy and Art1(1905).
中文: 邓实:“第七年政艺通报题记”,《政艺通报》,戊申(1905年),第7卷第1期。
英文: For this English-language edition, the authors have added a brief postscript to a narrative that stops with their subject's victory in a recall referendum in August 2004.
中文: 在这个英语版本中,作者们在整本书的叙述中添加了一个附言(本书叙述到二零零四年八月选举中查韦斯先生的获胜为止)。