英文: Abni's website is providing free downloads of his campaign songs in Daiwanwei, Hakka, and Mandarin, as well as computer screen background pictures and games.
中文: 阿扁耶网页有提供乎郎掠免钱耶竞选歌耶档,有台语、客语、嘛有满大人语版。搁有电脑耶「桌巾」图片及乎郎蹭耶软体。
英文: All my life, as down an abyss without a bottom, I have been pouring vanloads of information into that vacancy of oblivion I call my mind.
中文: 我一生,就像沉在一个无底的深渊,一直在把一车车的见闻,倒进那个我称之为精神的遗忘之空虚里去。
英文: BONN: The sea, a beach, and loads of sun - for many people these are the main ingredients of a perfect holiday.
中文: 波昂:大海,海滩,阳光—对大多数来说这是一个完美假日的主要内容。
英文: Battlefield of Tankscaptures the attention of the war-gaming fanatics by its cinematic view and filled with loads of chaotic battles and missions.
中文: 战地坦克是一款通过它的游戏画面和充满战斗和任务来引人注目的坦克作战游戏。
英文: Between them they finished cutting three carloads of macaroni stalks.
中文: 他们协力割下了3车通心粉秸。