英文: At a time when, you know, everyone was doing kind of trippy, psychedelic music.
中文: 有一段时间,你知道的,大家都在做迷幻音乐。
英文: Mescalin and LSD are psychedelic drugs.
中文: 仙人球毒 和麦角酸二乙基 胺都是迷幻药.
英文: Perhaps the most psychologically dramatic and potent secretion of these glands is the psychedelic drug DMT (which is synthesized by the pineal gland, corresponding to the brow chakra).
中文: 当然,由这些腺体分泌的不同荷尔蒙真的对人的心理有戏剧性的作用,而成为一体的不平衡能够导致一个人心理上或身体上的不平衡。
英文: The bell-bottom became popular during the carefree hippie era of the 1960s and 70s, and jeans' legs adapted the flare (4) design; this psychedelic age also ushered in (5) decorations with beads, embroidery, and paint on previously plain denim.
中文: 20世纪60年代和70年代,喇叭裤在无拘无束的嬉皮士中流行起来,牛仔裤的裤管采纳了这种张开的设计;这个迷幻的时代还带来了在以前简单的粗斜纹棉布上用珠子、刺绣和绘画装饰。
英文: The crack down comes after the death of the seven year old French girl who ate the psychedelic fungi and jumped from a building.
中文: 一名7岁的法国女孩的死诱发了此次打击蘑菇的游行活动,因为她在吃了这种有迷幻药效果的蘑菇后直接跳楼了。