英文: He created so many great shots for other guys through his penetration and he played a tremendous game.
中文: “他(麦迪)通过突破,为其他球员创造了好多次重要的出手命中机会,他打了一场美妙的比赛。”
英文: How long will you go here and there, O faithless daughter? For the Lord has created a new thing in the earth A woman will encompass a man.
中文: 耶31:22背道的民哪、〔民原文作女子〕你反来复去要到几时呢.耶和华在地上造了一件新事、就是女子护卫男子。
英文: I wanted to create a direct, closely observed study,said artist Sam Taylor-Wood who created the footage.
中文: 制作该片的艺术家萨姆·泰勒·伍德说:“我想进行直接的、近距离的观察研究。”
英文: In our image, after our likenessWe learn that man was created with a specific purpose in mind.
中文: “照着我们的形象,按着我们的样式”,由此可知,人的创造是有着特殊目的的。
英文: Qingming Riverside Seeneis the immortal classic was drawn by Mr.Zhangzeduan.a famous painter inNorthern Song Dynasty,It is the priceless treasure in Chinese Painting history.It is a long papergenre Painting created with a realistic sleight of hand.Paintin
中文: 《清明上河图》是北宋著名画家张择端绘制的不朽杰作,贵为我国绘画史上的无价之宝,它是一幅用高度现实主义手法创作的长卷风俗画.这幅长卷为绢本,淡着色:画幅高24.8厘米、长528.7厘米、它通过对市俗生活的细致描绘、生动地再现了北宋汴京升平时期繁荣景象。