英文: An interdisciplinary and compulsory course in death, dying and bereavement was developed in the National Taipei College of Nursing in 1994.
中文: 摘要国立台北护理学院从民国83年开始发展死亡、濒死和哀伤的跨学科且是必修的课程。
英文: Frost says his family and friends have gone through many stages of bereavement since the bombings on October 1st, 2005.
中文: 弗罗斯特说从2005年12月1日后,他的家庭和他的朋友已经参加了许多丧葬。
英文: Her daughter is a great solace to her in her bereavement .
中文: 在她丧夫之时,她的女儿是她的极大的安慰。
英文: Industrial injury insurance funds are used to cover medical treatment fees and 11 items of subsidies for employees suffering grade 1 to grade 4 industrial injuries, one-off disability subsidy, nursing fees, funeral subsidy, bereavement subsidy, one-off in
中文: 工伤保险基金用于工伤医疗费,1-4级工伤人员伤残津贴、一次性伤残补助金、生活护理费、丧葬补助金、供养亲属抚恤金、一次性工亡补助金、辅助器具配置费、工伤康复费、工伤职工劳动能力鉴定费及法律、法规规定的其他费用等11个项目。
英文: Loss and bereavement can remind you sharply of what can happen when in life you do not show your love and appreciation,or ask for forgiveness,and so make your loved ones.
中文: 当你失去最爱的亲人时,才深刻体会到自己从不曾好好爱他,从未对他怀着感恩和宽恕之心,你才会对他如此冷漠。