英文: Anestrus: No sexual activity takes place. Anestrus lasts between three and four months.
中文: 休情期:没有性活跃发生的时期。通常持续三到四个月。
英文: Describing or portraying nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail.
中文: 描述裸体或性行为的轮廓鲜明地描述或描绘裸体或性行为的
英文: It is suggested that the electromagnetic wave fr om the plant seedlings is beneficial to the erythrocyte function, improves the m e tabolism, enhances the adolescent activities, improves sexual activity and enhan ces immune function, thus it is effective
中文: 提示:植物幼苗电磁波有助于红细胞功能的发挥,促进机体新陈代谢,增加青春活力,提高性功能,增强免疫力,从而对人体发挥返老还青和医疗保健作用。
英文: Many developing countries argue that it will be formal difficult to make abstinence an effective approach in poor nations where HIV infection has had a huge impact and the people indulge in sexual activity at a much younger age.
中文: 许多发展中国家争辩说在贫穷的国家要使节欲成为有效途径将会遇到困难和阻力,尽管艾滋病病毒的传播已经给这些国家带来了巨大的冲击,许多年青人还是沉湎于性行为。
英文: Physicians and midwives have been saying that avoiding red wine, stress as well as physical or sexual activity are among the recommended natural methods to help prevent inducing birth.
中文: 据医生和助产士介绍,不喝红酒、减轻压力、少活动、避免性生活等较为“自然”的方法可以起到推迟分娩的作用。