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bill of prosecution

【法】 起诉状, 公诉书

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英文: Article 150 After a People's Court has examined a case in which public prosecution was initiated, it shall decide to open the court session and try the case, if the bill of prosecution contains clear facts of the crime accused and, in addition, there are

中文: 第一百五十条人民法院对提起公诉的案件进行审查后,对于起诉书中有明确的指控犯罪事实并且附有证据目录、证人名单和主要证据复印件或者照片的,应当决定开庭审判。        更详细...
英文: Article 155 After the public prosecutor has read out the bill of prosecution in court, the defendant and the victim may present statements regarding the crime accused in the bill of prosecution, and the public prosecutor may interrogate the defendant.

中文: 第一百五十五条公诉人在法庭上宣读起诉书后,被告人、被害人可以就起诉书指控的犯罪进行陈述,公诉人可以讯问被告人。        更详细...
英文: Article 16 A people's court shall, in handing over a criminal for execution of the criminal punishment, serve on the prison a copy of the bill of prosecution from the people's procuratorate together with the written judgment, the notice of execution and t

中文: 第十六条罪犯被交付执行刑罚时,交付执行的人民法院应当将人民检察院的起诉书副本、人民法院的判决书、执行通知书、结案登记表同时送达监狱。        更详细...
英文: Article 176 In a case of private prosecution that is tried through summary procedure, after the bill of prosecution is read out, the defendant and his defenders may, with the permission of the judges, debate with the private prosecutor and his agents ad l

中文: 第一百七十六条适用简易程序审理自诉案件,宣读起诉书后,经审判人员许可,被告人及其辩护人可以同自诉人及其诉讼代理人互相辩论。        更详细...

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