英文: Blepharoplasty is a surgery for the eyelid involving an incision of the lid skin, orbicularis muscle, and herniated orbital fat pad, which improves the general appearance of the patient and also corrects the mechanical entropion induced by the hypertrophi
中文: 摘要随著经济成长及生活水准之提高,人们对于医疗已不只停留在医治疾病上,有愈来愈多人,想藉由进步的医学,达成改善容貌及整体美观的心愿。
英文: Excision of brow fat pad is an extremely valuable adjunct to blepharoplasty surgery in some patient with heaviness and bulkiness in the lateral upper orbital region.
中文: 尤其是合并有上眼眶部外侧肥厚沈重的症状,更可经由这个附加的步骤来去除多馀的脂肪层而达到更理想的效果。
英文: In patients seeking upper eyelid blepharoplasty who also have ptosis of the eyebrows, the lateral brow fat pad can be contoured to help in highlighting the lateral aspect of the superior orbital rim.
中文: 摘要对于有着明显上眼眶部外突或是眉部下垂的病患,我们可以在上眼睑成形术中经由切除外侧眉部下脂肪层而得到改善。
英文: The lower eyelid blepharoplasty of orbital fat removed at times by transconjunctival route;
中文: 结膜入路分次去除眶隔脂肪睑袋整复术