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英文: In the central Indian city of Bhopal a gynecologist and j anitor at a hospital were arrested recently following the discovery in a pit behind the medical facility of the remains of an estimated 400 female fetuses and newborn babies.

中文: 在印度的中部城市波帕尔,最近,一所医院的妇科医生兼门房被捕,由于在医疗仪器后面的一深坑里发现约400名女婴和新生婴儿.        更详细...
英文: In the central Indian city of Bhopal a gynecologist and janitor at a hospital were arrested recently following the discovery in a pit behind the medical facility of the remains of an estimated 400 female fetuses and newborn babies.

中文: 最近,在印度中部城市B的某医院,一名妇科医生和一名门卫被逮捕,原因是在该医院的医疗器械后面隐匿的洞坑中发现约400名被遗弃胎儿和新生的婴儿。        更详细...
英文: ONE OF THE FIRST INKLINGS that viruses could be useful in combating cancer came in 1912, when an Italian gynecologist observed the regression of cervical cancer in a woman who was inoculated with a rabies vaccine made from a live, crippled form of the rab

中文: 最早显示病毒可能可以用来对抗癌症的迹象之一,于1912年浮现:有位义大利妇科医生观察到某个妇女在注射了减毒狂犬病疫苗之后,其子宫颈癌有消退的现象。        更详细...
英文: Those who have expressed concern include many older women and also those in their 20s and 30s who are already sexually active plus women who already have HPV that has not led to cervical cancer, said chief gynecologist at Mackay Memorial Hospital Wang Gon

中文: 关心的很多都是年纪大一点的,20几岁或30岁已经有性行为的,还有甚至已经得过子宫颈癌前病变,还是关心说是否有机会打疫苗?        更详细...
英文: We report on a 41/year/old woman who visited her gynecologist for lesions on her perineal area which had been present for 2 years.

中文: 我们报告一位四十一岁女性,因存在两年的皮肤病灶至妇产科就诊。        更详细...

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