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We report on a 41/year/old woman who visited her gynecologist for lesions on her perineal area which had been present for 2 years.

We report bilateral femoral neck fractures following repeated kneeling in an osteoporotic sixty-seven years old female. 对于这类病例,本人认为应以早期诊断为宜,并根据骨折移位的状况作适当的外科治疗。
We report here a male patient with pulmonary emphysema and lung bullous disease who developed severe constriction of the main bronchi after intravenous adenosine during general anesthesia. 我们描述一男性肺气肿病人,在麻醉中因突发性心室上心搏过速而使用腺甘酸治疗,却引起了严重的支气管痉挛。
We report here a successfully treated case of disseminated Aspergillus fumigatus infection involving the lungs, brain, and endocardium in a multivisceral transplant recipient. 我们报道一例多器官移植患者肺、脑、以及心内膜弥漫性侵袭曲霉菌感染成功救治的病例。
We report here two cases of peptic ulcer with double pylorus which was diagnosed by means of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at our hospital in recent 5 years. 本文报告近五年来在本院经由上消化道内视镜检查诊断为消化性溃疡并双幽门之两病例。
We report herein a case of hemoptysis caused by a mediastinal teratoma with pulmonary involvement. 我们报告一个病例为纵膈腔畸胎瘤以咳血为征状表现。
We report on a 41/year/old woman who visited her gynecologist for lesions on her perineal area which had been present for 2 years. 我们报告一位四十一岁女性,因存在两年的皮肤病灶至妇产科就诊。
We report on a 52-year-old man who was incidentally found to have ectopic prostatic tissue in the left lower ureter during intrauretral lithotripsy for a left lower ureteral stone with hydronephrosis. 摘要一位52岁的病人因为左侧远程输尿管结石合并肾水肿接受输尿管内碎石术时偶然发现在左侧远程输尿管有异位性摄护腺组织。
We report on a case in which the tumor presented as a perirenal hilar mass encasing the right renal artery without causing vascular occlusion. 本文介绍一个罕见的后腹腔淋巴瘤的表现:肿瘤将肾动脉包围而没有引起肾动脉的阻塞。
We report on a case of small-cell carcinoma of the prostate with metastases to the testis and pancreas. 我们在此报告一例原发性前列腺小细胞癌,合并有睾舟及胰脏等脏器转移。
We report on a case of such an abnormality associated with an uncoupled course of the renal vessels in which the renal artery coursed ventrally to the vena cava. 在此我们报告一个罕见病例:所供养该异常旋转肾脏的肾血管并不是并行进入肾蒂而其中肾动脉是走在下腔静脉的腹侧。
We report on a patient with CVT associated with BIJVS, who was treated successfully using direct thrombolysis and bilateral internal jugular vein stenting. 我们报告一个罹患大脑静脉栓塞合并两侧内颈静脉狭窄的个案,并且成功的以血栓溶解术和两侧内颈静脉支架置放术治疗此病患。

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