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traffic volume

【经】 运输量

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英文: Based on an elaboration of these problems, suggestions on improving the metro traffic volume forecast are provided: government policies should be made to harmonize and control city planning and urban transportation planning; the integrated system of traff

中文: 在分析形成这些问题原因的基础上提出了利用政策协调和控制城市规划与交通规划的共同发展、尽快建立我国城市轨道交通客流预测完整体系、加强城市交通基础数据调查等改善城市轨道交通客流预测的一些建议。        更详细...
英文: By using the improved gravity model and gray theory model, the essay makes forecast analysis on future passenger traffic volume of Shjiazhuang-Taiyuan passenger-dedicated line from three aspects, including passenger flow of local line, passenger flow orig

中文: 摘要利用改进的重力模型和灰色理论模型,从石太客运专线的本线客流、跨线客流和诱增客流3个方面,分别以客运通道周边城市的GDP和人口分布密度、石太客运通道既有线的旅客运输量、城市间的加权运行时间为影响因子,对石太客运专线的旅客运输量进行预测分析。        更详细...
英文: In the field of metro traffic volume forecast in China, great margins exist between the forecast value in planning stage and the real value in operation stage, and among the forecast values by different organizations for the same metro line; the forecast

中文: 摘要目前我国城市轨道交通客流预测中,普遍存着规划阶段的预测结果与运营之后的实际客流有较大差异、实际客流远小于远期预测客流,不同机构预测的客流量离散性较大的问题。        更详细...
英文: Make sure you get the disk space and the traffic volume you need.

中文: 首先需要确定你有足够的磁盘空间以及你所需要通信量。        更详细...
英文: Study the provider's traffic volume restrictions. Make sure that you don't have to pay a fortune for unexpected high traffic if your web site becomes popular.

中文: 研究一下提供商的通信容量约束。确保一旦你的网站流行起来后,你不用付大量的或预想不到的高通信费用。        更详细...

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