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n. 严肃, 认真, 严重性

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英文: A duty to act positively to protect others from damage may exist if law so provides, or if the actor creates or controls a dangerous situation, or when there is a special relationship between parties or when the seriousness of the harm on the one side and

中文: 积极作为保护他人免受损害的义务存在于下列情况:法律有规定,或者行为人导致或控制危险情况,或者当事人之间存在特殊关系,或者一方面危害的严重性,另一方面避免损害的容易性均指向这一义务时。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: The seriousness of the actuating medium pollution at hydraulic pressure system is introduced,the importance conducting analysis of pollution and the harmfulness of pollution are explained,and some measures to control the pollution are put forwar

中文: 文摘:介绍了液压系统工作介质污染的严重性,说明了进行污染分析的重要性和污染带来的危害,并列出控制污染的几种措施。        更详细...
英文: Along with the increasing seriousness of human existence crises, the strong voice to overcome these crises day by day, and the increasing reveal of inner contradictions in the respective trends of thought, a fusion tendency has appeared between scientism

中文: 随着人类生存危机的日益严重,克服这些危机的呼声日益强烈,以及两大思潮各自的内在矛盾日益暴露,科学主义和人文主义到20世纪后期出现融合的趋势。        更详细...
英文: And the same has happened with our lives. Many things which are simply to be taken humorously, we take so seriously -- and from that seriousness begins our problem.

中文: 我们的生活里,也发生同样的事。很多事情,只须幽默看待,我们却那么严肃——结果问题纷至沓来。        更详细...
英文: And, as the Express says, 'such is the seriousness of the accusation that it threatens to eclipse all the other issues McClaren has had to endure in such a short space of time as England boss`.

中文: 引用每日通讯中的文字“这件事情的确非常严重,它甚至有可能盖过麦克拉伦在坐上英格兰主教练位子后短短的一段时间里所要面对的所有其他问题。”        更详细...

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