And, as the Express says, 'such is the seriousness of the accusation that it threatens to eclipse all the other issues McClaren has had to endure in such a short space of time as England boss`. |
中文意思: 引用每日通讯中的文字“这件事情的确非常严重,它甚至有可能盖过麦克拉伦在坐上英格兰主教练位子后短短的一段时间里所要面对的所有其他问题。” |
And, as he revealed to MUTV, he isn't far off.
现在,他重新出现在MUTV上,他就快好了。 |
And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow.
突然之间,天空似乎一下子绽出微笑,立时阳光四射,将灿烂的光芒洒向膝腕的树林,使每一片绿叶都兴高采烈,把所有枯黄的落时染成金黄,连肃穆的树木的灰色树干也闪出亮光。 |
And, as it had done throughout history, from Egypt to Mitanni to Assyria, it represents the divine favor hovering above the king.
与整个历史一样,从埃及到密坦尼,到亚述,它都表现为神的关切盘旋在国王之上。 |
And, as it is with people, so it is with plants—at least, that is the conclusion of a paper published in ★Biology Letters[1] by Naomi Cappuccino, of Carleton University, and Thor Arnason, of the University of Ottawa, both in Canada.
人是这样,植物也是如此——至少,《生物书简》上发表的一篇论文是这么认为的,作者是来自加拿大加里敦大学的纳奥米?卡普奇诺和渥太华大学的索尔?阿纳森。 |
And, as its prophet, the Church celebrates you.
并且,作为它的先知,教会庆祝你。 |
And, as the Express says, 'such is the seriousness of the accusation that it threatens to eclipse all the other issues McClaren has had to endure in such a short space of time as England boss`.
引用每日通讯中的文字“这件事情的确非常严重,它甚至有可能盖过麦克拉伦在坐上英格兰主教练位子后短短的一段时间里所要面对的所有其他问题。” |
And, as the boat receded, the water in the room began to lower,rapidly-seeming to ebb back into the screen.
随著船的远去,屋内湖水开始快速下降──似乎是退回屏风内。 |
And, as you walk through your quiet house, you wonder where they went and you wish your child hadn't grown up so fast.
当你在静静的房子里走来走去时,你纳闷他们去哪里了——你多希望孩子别这么快就长大了。 |
And, as you well know, we mainly rely on our own resources.
并且,如同你涌出一样,我们主要地靠我们自己信赖资源。 |
And, at least in Japan, using phones to access additional information is already pretty commonplace, with cellphone-readable bar codes used to provide links to bus timetables, product and allergy information and details in magazine and billboard advertise
不过﹐至少在日本﹐用手机来获取更多信息的做法已经相当常见﹐一些手机通过读取代码能链结到公交时刻表、产品资讯、杂志的详细内容以及路牌广告等。 |
And, at least within the first hours of announcing the news, it was getting its wish.
至少在最初不停播报新闻的那几个小时里,这让很多人如愿以偿。 |