英文: In view of the birth of plant tissue culture research institutions in all parts of the country in succession and tissue culture industry investment upsurge in recent years, this paper superficially analysed the application prospects and limitations of the
中文: 摘要针对近年来全国各地植物组培研究机构的相继诞生和组培产业投资热潮,从木本植物组培技术特点、产业化现状、存在的问题及解决的方法等方面,浅析木本植物组织培养技术在科研与生产中的应用前景与局限,为广大科技工作者更好地发展我国试管快繁技术和商业应用领域的研究,客观正确预测木本植物组培技术在林业生产中推广应用的效益及避免盲目投资风险提供参考。
英文: Mankind appropriates about a quarter of what is known as the net primary production of the Earth (this is the plant tissue created by photosynthesis)—a lot, but hardly near the point of exhaustion.
中文: 人类消耗了1/4的被称作地球主要净产出的产品(由光和作用产生的植物组织),虽然很多,但离耗尽还远得很。
英文: The explant tissue culture was compared with the typsin digestion culture.
中文: 对比了组织块培养和消化培养两种培养方法。
英文: The paper overviews the formation and characteristics of the technique of rapid propagation of free virus in plant tissue culture, and its application in flower, wood, fruit tree, vegetable...etc., and introduces the main technical link to produce the see
中文: 摘要综述了植物离体快速繁殖技术和脱毒技术的形成、特点及其在花卉、林木、果树、蔬菜等方面的应用,阐述了利用快繁与脱毒技术生产种苗的主要技术环节,包括培养基的作用和选配要点、外植体选取的原则和快繁与脱毒的不同要求、试管苗驯化的方法与移栽要求、种苗生产计划的制定与成本预算方法。
英文: Rapid propagation of Rubus chingii by plant tissue culture;
中文: 应用组织培养对覆盆子快速繁殖的研究