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In view of the birth of plant tissue culture research institutions in all parts of the country in succession and tissue culture industry investment upsurge in recent years, this paper superficially analysed the application prospects and limitations of the

In view of the above situation, it proposes that gender differences in terms of the system, conception and content in elementary education be eradicated by proceeding first from the government, family and educational system themselves. 本文建议,要从政府、家庭以及教育系统本身著手消除基础教育体制、观念以及内容上的性别差异。
In view of the above, I have specially included in my delegation Academician Lu Yongxiang, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and I would like to introduce him to you. 我这次来访特意请中国科学院院长路甬祥院士参加代表团,请允许我介绍他同你们认识。
In view of the above, it proposed the project policy recommendations correspondingly. 据此,相应提出了工程政策建议。
In view of the above, the Grantor hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, indemnifies and keeps the Grantee harmless from any and all liabilities (either for criminal or private action), damages, claim, fine, charge, costs, expenses which may be imposed 鉴于上述情况,授予人兹无条件永久承担受让人来自政府强制,法院判决或任何组织、个人的各种债务(无论是法律强制还是个人自愿行为),赔偿金,索款,罚金,各类费用、花费,抑或是与授予人,授予人雇员,接任人或是授予人任命的以上几种委任人有关的由于错误使用而产生的,或者意外发生的易爆物事故责任。
In view of the behaviors of violating the environmental public interest, in addition to direct victims, other citizens or lawfully registered environmental non-governmental organizations should have the right to initiate civil environmental public interes 针对侵害环境公益的行为,除直接受害人外,其他公民或者依法登记的环境保护民间组织,应当有权向法院提起环境民事公益诉讼,请求法院判令侵害环境公益的行为人停止侵害行为,排除危害;或者提起环境行政公益诉讼,请求法院判令环保主管部门履行监管职责。
In view of the birth of plant tissue culture research institutions in all parts of the country in succession and tissue culture industry investment upsurge in recent years, this paper superficially analysed the application prospects and limitations of the 摘要针对近年来全国各地植物组培研究机构的相继诞生和组培产业投资热潮,从木本植物组培技术特点、产业化现状、存在的问题及解决的方法等方面,浅析木本植物组织培养技术在科研与生产中的应用前景与局限,为广大科技工作者更好地发展我国试管快繁技术和商业应用领域的研究,客观正确预测木本植物组培技术在林业生产中推广应用的效益及避免盲目投资风险提供参考。
In view of the changing situation, our construction plan should be improved. 由于形势变化,我们的建设计划也应有所改进。
In view of the characteristics of image collection system, a design of using PCI bus for data transfer mode and DSP core processor for high-speed real-time image collection and processing system was introduced, which described the key issues such as the w 摘要针对图像采集系统的特点,介绍了一种以PCI总线为数据传输模式、DSP为核心处理器的实时高速图像采集处理系统的设计方案,并对整个系统的硬件资源选择、工作流程、算法处理时间等关键问题进行了详细地阐述,从而实现图像采集系统的高速性和灵活性。
In view of the characteristics of tin integration of rail transit elevated structure ad seamless route, this paper analyses tin Metro Design Technical Standards (2003 edition) ad proposes the principles of value selection for elevated structure in the raw 摘要从分析城市轨道交通高架结构与无缝线路结合的特点入手,结合2003年版《地铁设计规範》,对高架结构中桥跨结构竖向刚度、桥墩纵向水准刚度、相邻墩台沉降量之差等标准制定的依据和取值进行分析和探讨。
In view of the circumstances, I propose that we drop the charges. 鉴于形势,我建议我们放弃控诉。
In view of the circumstances,we should give up the plan. 考虑到情况的变化,我们应该放弃这 项计划。

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