英文: As of 1995, only 17 percent of the world's land area remained truly wild ? with no human populations, crops, road access or night-time light detectable by satellite, the authors reported.
中文: 作者指出,至一九九五年,全世界只有百分之十七的土地杳无人烟—无人居住、没有农作物、道路以及能被卫星侦测的夜间照明。
英文: Average precipitation and temperature are the major factors determining whether a particular land area is a desert, grassland, or forest (climate-and-vegetation principle).
中文: 平均降雨量及温度是决定,对一个特定土地範围,形成砂漠、草原、或森林的主要因素。
英文: But now that remote land area is so attainable and so important that it has become the subject of an international treaty which protects it from national rivalries yet leaves it open to all for exploration and use.
中文: 但是今天,这块遥远的陆地已变得如此触之可及并且如此重要,以致它已受到一个国际公约的保护,使其免于成为国家间竞相抢夺的对象,而是对所有国家开放,供大家共同开发和利用。
英文: Ghoramara Island has lost 75% of its land area in last 30 years due to heavy erosion and slow rate of accretion.
中文: 哥若马若岛30年来,因为大量的侵蚀,和慢速度的冲积,已丧失了三分之二的土地。
英文: Green Springdawn will occupy a total land area of 140k square meters, with a build-up area of 90k square meters.
中文: 与新城即将开发的“格林世界”2100亩社区规划仅一路之隔。