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更坏的事, 更恶劣的事, 败局

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*[wә:s]\nn. 更坏的事, 更恶劣的事, 败局\na. 更坏的, 更恶劣的\nad. 更坏地, 更恶劣地\n相关词组:\n to make the matter worse\n and what is worse\n worse than all\n have the worse\n none the worse\n none the worse for\n think none the worse of sb\n put sb to the worse\n so much the worse\n worse and worse\n worse off

英文: I really regret bringing down the statue. The Americans are worse than the dictatorship. Every day is worse than the previous day.

中文: 我开始后悔推倒萨达姆塑像。美国人比独裁更加糟糕。日子一天天越来越糟糕。        更详细...
英文: I was suffering from what is known as oarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and to make it worse the eggs were a no-go.

中文: 我患了卵巢过度刺激综合征,更糟糕的是卵子也不能再利用了。        更详细...
英文: It got worse gradually,Bridge added. I played with it in Porto and got through it. Adrenalin gets you through something when the pain is not too bad.

中文: “情况越来越糟,”布里奇还说。“我参加了对波尔图的比赛,球队最终顺利晋级。当伤痛并不太严重时,有种力量支撑你走过了那段时间。”        更详细...
英文: It is my personal opinion that the main goal of the Russian army is to prevent a war similar to the one that our ancestors lived through, because, God forbid, if we allow this war to happen, it will be much worse than the previous one,Army General Yury Ba

中文: 莫斯科红场纪念卫国战争“胜利日”的阅兵式后,俄陆军一名将军告诉媒体称,“我个人认为,俄军的主要目标是阻止一场类似于我们先辈们曾经历过的战争,因为放任其发生的话,后果会严重的多。”        更详细...
英文: The losing is much worse than the questioning,Torre said with a smile. So have free reign. Knock yourself out. Don't worry about it.

中文: 老爹笑著说:输球比被问还难受。所以自在的支配球队。别陷在自己的情绪里。别担心失去工作的事情。        更详细...

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