英文: That man's insurance money must be paid by his club after next Monday; in the interim, this society will take the responsibility.
中文: 那人的保险费必须由其俱乐部于下星期一后缴纳,在此之前,这个协会将对其负责。
英文: This system causes many problems, such as that most floating population do not pay the premium of unemployment insurance and that insurance money is paid inappropriately.
中文: 它引起了流动人口大量欠缴失业保险费,失业保险金领取的严重缺位错位等问题。
英文: To defraud the insurer of insurance money by forging or altering certificates, materials and other evidence associated with insured contingencies or by instigating, inducing or buying over others to provide false evidence, materials or other evidence, or
中文: (五)伪造、变造与保险事故有关的证明、资料和其他证据,或者指使、唆使、收买他人提供虚假证明、资料或者其他证据,编造虚假的事故原因或者夸大损失程度,骗取保险金的。
英文: Today a lot of us will be looking at which buildings were burned, who received the insurance money and who was benefiting in other ways.
中文: 如今大多数人将会去关注哪些楼被烧了,谁能得到保险金,又是看谁通过其他方式受益。
英文: War protester Cindy Sheehan has purchased a 5-acre plot in Crawford Texas with some of the insurance money she received after her son was killed in Iraq.
中文: 美国反战母亲辛迪·希恩利用在伊拉克阵亡的儿子的保险金在得克萨斯州克劳福德购买了5英亩土地。