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wood engraving

木刻术, 木版画

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英文: Adds a border on the wood engraving with ,This is quite laborious moreover a little bored work, because carrieson the speed quite is slow But may use to listen to the music or tolook the television program and so on each method lets time quick!

中文: 在木版上用特殊胶水镶上氧化铝丝,这是一个比较辛苦而且有点无聊的工作,因为进行的速度比较缓慢.但是可以用听音乐或者看电视节目等各种方法让时间过的快些!        更详细...
英文: Broad and elegant arrangement plus cherry wooden material, solid wood engraving and golden manual painting show an outstanding nature and royal demeanor.

中文: 宽广大气的布局,加上樱桃木色的厨柜材料、实木雕刻及手工描金点缀,卓尔不群,一派沉稳贵重的王者之气。        更详细...
英文: Folk picture develops from folk wood engraving new-year paintings, the form and feature of which agrees with the appreciation taste of Chinese, and is an art that is most reflecting real life.

中文: 年画最早发展起来的是民间木版年画,其形式和特点又符合中国劳动人们欣赏习惯,是最能体现世俗生活的一种艺术形式。        更详细...
英文: The paper starts from the folk wood engraving new-year paintings in the Lu Yu region and studied the development of folk art of center china.

中文: 本论文是从豫鲁地区民间木版年画入手论述中原文化民间艺术的发展。        更详细...
英文: Through discussing the folk wood engraving new-year painting color's development and expressions of Lu Yu region, and the different and interaction with the other region of center china, this thesis analyses the application of Lu Yu region wood engraving

中文: 通过论述豫鲁地区民间木板年画色彩的发展和表现形式,与其他中原地区木版年画的区别和相互影响,来分析豫鲁民间木版年画的纯朴色彩在动画影片的应用。        更详细...

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