英文: Boosted by the Romantic thoughts of the age of Enlightenment, a wave of anti-metaphysics, anti-scholasticism and anti-religion was finally formed and has been carried until this day, in which two orientations were developed: scientism that focused on secu
中文: 然而人文主义者所强调的以人为中心重人类发展与自由尊严的价值,在士林哲学的理论中并不否定,甚至还加以肯定。
英文: Desiring to return to classical Mahayana universalism, the Tantric reformers protested against ecclesiastical privilege and arid scholasticism and sought to forge a religious system that was more widely accessible and socially inclusive.
中文: 对回归古典大乘普遍主义的渴望,坦陀罗改革者主张反对教会特权和烦琐的哲学,以及寻求一种伪造的宗教体系,那包括了更加广泛的易接近性和更加入世。
英文: In this paper, we are to make a rudimentary exploration of the sensible epistemology of scholasticism in order to explain the resolution of the paradox between the material and the spiritual in ontology.
中文: 分由以下四个面向进行说明:一、桊由对感觉象之讨论,以指出感性至悟性以至理性连通的可能。
英文: In this paper, we intend to sort out these important metaphysical ideas through scholasticism (especially Thomas Aquinas's).
中文: 本文主要以西洋士林哲学(尤其是多玛斯)来整理这些重要的形上学观念。
英文: On the ground of ontology, scholasticism maintains that the object cognized by the cognitive subject is a material entity outside the subject's consciousness.
中文: 但由于对象是物质的,而认识的结果却是精神的,在这其中必定存在著某种转换,而此转换的关键即在于感性认识之中。