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high court

【法】 高等法院

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英文: At present High Court judges have no less than five different sets of working dress, depending on the jurisdiction in which they are sitting and the season of the year,Phillips said in a statement.

中文: 菲利普斯在一份声明中说:“现在,英国高等法院的法官至少有五套不同的工作服,他们根据不同的司法场合和季节着装。”        更详细...
英文: After five years of legal battles, yesterday the Daiwan High Court reversed a previous court's verdict and demanded that the Daibag (Taipei) City Government pay a French firm NT$1.125 billion in compensation for delays in building the .Vog.za (Mucha) Line

中文: 缠五冬了后,台员耶高等法院昨方改判以前耶判决,叫台北市政府艾赔法国马提拉公司十一亿两千五百万箍元台票耶损失,是出伫1988年咧起捷运木栅线耶时阵掮著工程耶时间。        更详细...
英文: Article 90 The Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region with no right of abode in any foreign countr

中文: 第九十条香港特别行政区终审法院和高等法院的首席法官,应由在外国无居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任。        更详细...
英文: Charles was tried by a High Court of Justice, found guilty of have levied war against his kingdom and the Parliament, condemned to death, and executed on a scaffold outside the Banqueting House at Whitehall on January 30, 1649.

中文: 查尔斯在一级高级法院受审,犯有对王国和议会发动战争之罪,被判死刑,并于1649.1.30在宴会宫窗外的绞刑架上绞死。        更详细...
英文: Committal proceedings are proceedings before a Magistrate for determining whether or not there is enough evidence against a defendant for a criminal case to be transferred to the High Court for trial or sentence.

中文: 初级侦讯乃于裁判法院进行的程序,裁决是否有表面证据对被告作出刑事检控,而有关刑事检控需转介高等法院进行审讯或判刑。        更详细...

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