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英文: Examples of bad cooperation are when forces are hit by their own air support, artillery fires at empty fields, the infantry is overrun by tanks, the tanks are ambushed by infantry in the woods or in urban areas, encirclement attempts fail, there's plenty

中文: 一些配合不好的例子如,在自己的炮火空领域部队击中自己的空中支援,步兵走位失误,坦克开到灌木丛或者泥沼地,围堵的尝试都失败了,还有大量的情报都是无效的.战斗机和护卫舰护送过远,以及前线急需的燃油补给等都空投给了敌人.        更详细...
英文: If the game of weichi is extended to include the world, there is yet a third form of encirclement as between us and the enemy, namely, the interrelation between the front of aggression and the front of peace.

中文: 如果把世界性的围棋也算在内,那就还有第三种敌我包围,这就是侵略阵线与和平阵线的关系。        更详细...
英文: Key idea of us survive on the globalization and marketization, on the times that message overflow now, the extreme one says, all the time, can't escape, all of us fall into the tight encirclement formed by brand conspiracy , control, crane one's neck to l

中文: 生存于这个全球化与市场化,且信息泛滥的现今时代里,极端的说,每时每刻、无法逃避的,我们都陷入了由品牌“阴谋”构成的重重包围之中,被控制,被引领,被左右着。        更详细...
英文: There are various tactics or methods for giving effect to this principle, such as dispersion and concentration of forces, diverging advance and converging attack, the offensive and the defensive, assault and containment, encirclement and outflanking, adva

中文: 执行这个方针,有兵力的分散和集中、分进和合击、攻击和防御、突击和钳制、包围和迂回、前进和后退种种的战术或方法。        更详细...
英文: When we are victoriously on the offensive and the enemy is on the defensive, his preparations for the next encirclement and suppressioncampaign are conducted in secret, and therefore it is difficult for us to know when his offensive will begin.

中文: 因为当自己处在胜利的进攻中,敌人处在防御地位时,敌人的“围剿”准备是在秘密地进行的,我们难于知道他们将在何时开始进攻。        更详细...

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